Eckhart Koerner @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Eckhart Koerner RUN RUN

Name Eckhart Koerner
Former position at RUN Researcher
Current affiliation Fachhochschule Mannheim (Germany)
Current personal page
Biographical Notes
Eckhart Koerner joined RUN in November 1993 and left in September 1997.
Current diploma(s) : Ing. 1992 FH Mannheim (Germany), Master 1993 U. Wales (UK), Dr. 1997 ULg
Publications at RUN
* Model-Based Verification of a Security Protocol for the Conditional Access to Services
G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure, E. Koerner, L. Léonard and C. Pecheur
Keywords : Equicrypt, LOTOS, model checking, security protocols
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Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 14, nb. 2, March 1999, pp. 171-191
* Patterns for constructing CSCW applications in TINA
E. Koerner
Keywords : CSCW, Design Patterns, Multimedia, ODP, TINA
Computer Communications, vol. 21, nb. 15, Oct. 1998, pp. 1361-1372
* Methods and Elements for the Construction of Collaboration Services in TINA
E. Koerner
PhD thesis, University of Liège
Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, nr. 179, 1998, 244 pp.
* Representing User Roles in a TINA Service Session
E. Koerner
Keywords : CSCW, policy, roles, service session graph, TINA
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Proc. of the Second Francophone Colloquium on Network and Service Management (GRES'97), 22-25 Sep. 1997, Rennes, France
* Patterns for Constructing CSCW Applications in TINA
E. Koerner
Keywords : ATM, CMIP, network management, proxy, SNMP
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Proc. of the European Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (IDMS'97), 10-12 Sep. 1997, Darmstadt, Germany, R. Steinmetz, L. Wolf (eds.), Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, LNCS, 1309, pp. 320-329, Springer
* Design Of A Proxy For Managing CMIP Agents Via SNMP
E. Koerner
Keywords : ATM, CMIP, network management, proxy, SNMP
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Computer Communications, vol. 20, nb. 5, Jul. 1997, pp. 349-360
* Applying LOTOS to the Design of TINA Applications
E. Koerner and L. Strick
Keywords : LOTOS, ODP viewpoints, TINA, verification, viewpoint compliance
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Proc. of the Second IFIP International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-based Distributed Systems (FMOODS'97), Jul. 1997, Canterbury, UK, H. Bowman, J. Derrick (eds.), IFIP TC6 WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, pp. 455-466, Chapman and Hall
* Group Management for a Multimedia Collaboration Service
E. Koerner
Keywords : group communication and collaboration, multimedia, ODP, TINA, use cases
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Proc. of EUNICE96 Summer School on Telecommunication Services, Sep. 1996
* Specification and verification of a TTP protocol for the conditional access to services
G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure, E. Koerner, L. Léonard, C. Pecheur and D. Zanetti
Keywords : formal verification, LOTOS, model-checking, security protocol
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Proc. of the 12th J. Cartier Workshop on Formal Methods and their Applications: Telecommunications, VLSI and Real-Time Computerized Control Systems, Oct. 1996, Montreal, Canada
* Design Of A Proxy For Managing CMIP Agents Via SNMP
E. Koerner
Keywords : ATM, CMIP, network management, proxy, SNMP
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Computer Communications, vol. 20, nb. 5, Jul. 1997, pp. 349-360

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