ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN

Representing User Roles in a TINA Service Session

E. Koerner1

1 Research unit in Networking, EECS department, University of Liège, Belgium



Roles have been widely used for modelling the authority and responsibilities of individuals within organisations. Such structures may also be reflected in computer systems such as in network management systems and CSCW applications. A role management component can provide the functionality to assign roles to users in a session and to associate policy, that means authority and responsibility, to roles. In this article, the representation of user roles in a TINA service session is discussed. As a prerequisite, policy concepts need to be considered and introduced in the context of a service session, as this has not yet been done in TINA. The information and computational elements of role management for CSCW are analysed and designed.


CSCW, policy, roles, service session graph, TINA

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