FP7 mPlane project @ RUN
ULg FP7 mPlane project RUN
An Intelligent Measurement Plane for Future Network and Application Management



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Project summary

The ubiquity of Internet access, and the wide variety of Internet-enabled devices and applications, have made the Internet a principal pillar of the Information Society. Decentralized and diverse, the Internet is resilient and universal. However, its distributed nature leads to operational brittleness and difficulty in identifying and tracking the root causes of performance and availability issues. The first step to improve this situation is measurement: illuminating the currently obscure dynamics of the Internet.


To address this, we advocate a measurement plane, or mPlane alongside the Internet's data and control planes. mPlane consists of a Distributed Measurement Infrastructure to perform active, passive and hybrid measurements; it operates at a wide variety of scales and dynamically supports new functionality. A Repository and Analysis layer collects, stores, and analyses the collected data via parallel processing and data mining. Finally, an Intelligent Reasoner iteratively drills down into the cause of an evidence, determining the conditions leading to given issues, and supporting the understanding of problem origins.


By enabling pervasive measurement throughout the Internet, mPlane benefits everyone: ISPs get a fine-grained picture of the network status, empowering effective management and operation. Application providers gain powerful tools for handling performance issues of their application. Regulators and end-users can verify adherence to SLAs, even when these involve many parties. Customers of all kinds can objectively compare network performance, improving competition in the market. mPlane will significantly advance the state of the art in Internet measurement, from innovative probe technology to intelligent algorithms for distributed data analysis. The development of the Reasoner is a key result that will allow structured, iterative, automated analysis. An emphasis on open, standard interfaces will speed adoption and increase the impact of the project.

Project partners

  • Politecnico di Torino, Italy  (Co-ordinator)
  • Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy
  • SSB Progetti, Italy
  • Telecom Italia, Italy
  • Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France
  • EUREOM, France
  • Telecom Paritech (ENST), France
  • NEC Europe, OK
  • Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarollo, Spain
  • Invitel Tavlözlési, Hungary
  • Netvisor, Hungary
  • Forschungzentrum Telekommunikation Wien, Austria
  • Fachhochschule Augsburg, Germany
  • Université de Liège, Belgium
  • Eidgenoessische Technishe Hochschule Zürich (ETH), Switzerland
  • Alcatel-Lucent Bell, Belgium


mPlane is a 3-year STREP project co-funded by the European Commission under the Framework Programme 7 (FP7). Project reference: FP7-ICT-318627.


The project started on November 1st, 2012 for a duration of 3 years.


* On the Analysis of Internet Paths with DisNETPerf, a Distributed Paths Performance Analyser
S. Wassermann, P. Casas, B. Donnet, G. Leduc and M. Mellia
Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements (WMN), 7-10 Nov. 2016, Dubai, UAE
* A Lightweight Network Proximity Service Based On Neighborhood Models
Y. Liao, W. Du and G. Leduc
Proc. of 22nd IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT), 24 Nov. 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
* Towards DisNETPerf: a Distributed Internet Paths Performance Analyzer
S. Wassermann, P. Casas and B. Donnet
Proc. of ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, 1 Dec. 2015, Heidelberg, Germany
* MPLS Under the Microscope: Revealing Actual Transit Path Diversity
Y. Vanaubel, P. Mérindol, JJ. Pansiot and B. Donnet
Proc. of ACM IMC (Internet Measurement Conference), 28-30 Oct. 2015, Tokyo, Japan
* Dig into MPLS: Transit Tunnel Diversity
Y. Vanaubel, P. Mérindol, JJ. Pansiot and B. Donnet
Proc. of AIMS (Workshop on Active Internet Measurements), 3-5 Jun. 2015, Paris, France
* Towards a Middlebox Policy Taxonomy: Path Impairements
K. Edeline and B. Donnet
Proc. of 7th International Workshop on Network Science for Communication, 27 Apr. 2015, Hong-Kong, China
* Tracking Middleboxes in the Mobile World with TraceboxAndroid
V. Thirion, K. Edeline and B. Donnet
Proc. of TMA (Traffic Monitoring and Analysis), 23-24 Apr. 2015, Barcelona, Spain
* On a Middlebox Classification
K. Edeline and B. Donnet
Proc. of IAB Workshop on Satck Evolution in a Middlebox Internet (SEMI), 26-27 Jan. 2015, Zürich, Switzerland
* Rating Network Paths for Locality-Aware Overlay Construction and Routing
W. Du, Y. Liao, N. Tao, P. Geurts, X. Fu and G. Leduc
Keywords : matrix factorization, network inference, rating-based network measurement, recommender system
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 23, nb. 5, 2015, pp. 1661-1673
* On the Quality of BGP Route Collectors for iBGP Policy Inference
L. Cittadini, S. Vissicchio and B. Donnet
Proc. of IFIP Neworking 2014, 2-4 Jun. 2014, Trondheim, Norway
* On the Performance of the LISP Beta Network
F. Coras, D. Saucez, L. Iannone and B. Donnet
Proc. of IFIP Networking 2014, 2-4 Jun. 2014, Trondheim, Norway
* Revealing Middlebox Interference with Tracebox
G. Detal, B. Hesmans, O. Bonaventure, Y. Vanaubel and B. Donnet
Keywords : Measurement, Middleboxes, Network Discovery, tracebox
Proc. of ACM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 23-25 Oct. 2013, Barcelona, Spain
* Network Fingerprinting: TTL-Based Router Signatures
Y. Vanaubel, J-J. Pansiot, P. Mérindol and B. Donnet
Keywords : Fingerprinting, Initial TTL, Measurement, MPLS, Network Discovery, Router Signature
Proc. of ACM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 23-25 Oct. 2013, Barcelona, Spain

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