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Objective of the project
To provide a software networked architecture suitable for multimedia applications.
Users will have access to a set of multimedia services by way of a classical web browser. The architecture will securely download specific modules if needed by some applications. Moreover the middleware and transport layers will adapt to the network conditions to try and provide the best services at any time.
Project partners
- University of Liège (Research Unit in Networking - RUN)
- University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Telecommunication et Teledetection Unit - TELE)
The TINTIN project is supported by the Walloon Region.
RUN started to work on this project on November 1st, 1998 until December 31st, 2001.
Role of RUN in the project
RUN studies intelligent middleware and transport protocols suitable for multimedia group communication, and especially for multicast congestion control and Quality of Service support. In particular, we have designed a suitable multicast congestion control algorithm for layered video.
We have also designed an Active Layered Multicast Adaptation Protocol (ALMA), that is built on top of an Active Network infrastructure. This scheme is being valided by simulations using the ns simulator. For that purpose, a simplified Execution Environment (EE) and NodeOS module have been implemented in ns.
This environment has also been used to design a distributed algorithm, based on autonomous reflectors, that creates an active multicast tree on demand when the multicast connectivity is interrupted or nonexistent.
Adaptive Group Communication over Active Networks - L. Yamamoto
PhD thesis, University of Liège Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, nr. 224, 2003, 166 pp.
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Resource Trading Agents for Adaptive Active Network Applications
- L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
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- In "Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications", Hermes Penton Science, UK, 2002
Adaptation dynamique des débits des couches pour la transmission vidéo multipoint
- N. Bonmariage and G. Leduc
- Keywords : congestion control, dynamic adaptation, fairness, layered video, multicast
Mots-clés : adaptation dynamique, contrôle de congestion, équité, multipoint, vidéo en couches
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- Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2002), 27-30 Mai. 2002, Montréal, Canada, A. Obaid (ed.), Ingénierie des Protocoles - Réseaux mobiles et ad hoc, qualité de service, multimédia, ingénierie du trafic, pp. 19-34, Hermès Lavoisier, 2002
- Student paper award
Multimedia in the E-LOTOS Process Algebra
- G. Leduc
- Keywords : binding object, E-LOTOS, multicast, multimedia, ODP
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- Chapter 16 of "Formal Methods For Distributed Processing - A Survey of Objet Oriented Approaches", Cambridge University Press, 2001, pp. 357-372
Introduction àE-LOTOS
- G. Leduc, A. Jeffrey and M. Sighireanu
- Keywords : E-LOTOS, formal method, timed process algebra, tutorial
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- Chapitre 6 de "Ingénierie des protocoles et qualité de service", Hermès Science, France, 2001, pp. 213-252
Spécification formelle pour la qualité de service dans l'Internet
- G. Leduc and L. Kuty
- Keywords : E-LOTOS, formal method, policer, RED, scheduler, shaper, timed process algebra, token bucket, WFQ
Mots-clés : contrôle de trafic, E-LOTOS, gestion des files d'attente, ordonnancement, qualité de service, régulation de trafic, services différenciés, spécification
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- Chapitre 3 de "Ingénierie des protocoles et qualité de service", Hermès Science, France, 2001, pp. 83-120
Building Bidirectional Multicast Trees Using Autonomous Reflectors
- L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
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- IWAN'2001, Oct. 2001, Philadelphia, USA
- Short paper
A stable and flexible TCP-friendly congestion control protocol for layered multicast transmission
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
- Keywords : Layered Multicast, Congestion Control, TCP-Friendly
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- Proc. of 8th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS'2001), 4-7 Sep. 2001, Lancaster, UK, D. Shepherd, J. Finney, L. Mathy, N. Race (eds.), Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems, LNCS, 2158, pp. 154-167, Springer
- (ISI IF 2001 LNCS = 0.415)
Autonomous Multicast Reflectors over Active Networks
- L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
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- Proc. of AISB Symposium on Software Mobility, Mar. 2001, York, UK
Resource Trading Agents for Adaptive Active Network Applications
- L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
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- Networking and Information Systems Journal, vol. 3, nbs. 4-5, 2000, pp. 743-768
Congestion Control for Layered Multicast Transmission
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
- Keywords : Congestion Control, Fairness, TCP-Friendly, Layered Multicast
Mots-clés : Contrôle de congestion, Multipoint, TCP-Friendly, Vidéo en couches
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- Networking and Information Systems Journal, vol. 3, nbs. 3-4, 2000, pp. 559-573
Contrôle de congestion pour la transmission multipoint en couches
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
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- Actes de Journées Doctorales Informatiques et Réseaux (JDIR'2000), 6-8 Nov. 2000, Paris, France
An Active Layered Multicast Adaptation Protocol
- L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
- Keywords : active network, adaptive application, congestion control, layered multicast
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- Proc. of Second International Working conference on Active Networks (IWAN 2000), 16-18 Oct. 2000, Tokyo, Japan, Hiroshi Yasuda (ed.), Active networks, LNCS, 1942, pp. 180-194, Springer Verlag
- (ISI IF 2000 LNCS = 0.390)
Un ordonnanceur assurant des services différenciés relatifs basés sur le délai
- G. Jennes, G. Leduc and M. Tufail
- Keywords : assured forwarding, differentiated services, DiffServ, performance, relative delays, relatively quantified services, scheduling, simulation
Mots-clés : délais relatifs, ordonnanceur de réseau, performance, services différenciés, services relativement quantifiés, simulation
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- Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2000), 17-20 Oct. 2000, Toulouse, France, J.-P. Courtiat, M. Diaz, P. Sénac (eds.), Qualité de Service, multimédia et mobilité, pp. 97-112, Hermès
- Student paper award
An Agent-inspired Active Network Resource Trading Model Applied to Congestion Control
- L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
- Keywords : active network, adaptive application, concast, congestion control, mobile agent, mobile code
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- Proc. of Second International Workshop on Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications (MATA'2000), 18-20 Sep. 2000, Paris, France, E. Horlait (ed.), Mobile Agents for Telecommunication Applications, LNCS, 1931, pp. 151-169, Springer-Verlag
- (ISI IF 2000 LNCS = 0.390)
Cycle-based TCP-Friendly Algorithm
- O. Ait-Hellal, L. Yamamoto and G. Leduc
- Keywords : congestion control, Internet, real-time, TCP, TCP-Friendly
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- Proc. of IEEE Globecom'99, 5-9 Dec. 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 776-780, IEEE Press