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Mobile Multimedia Communication Systems and Networks



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Project summary

One of the key technological challenges to advance our knowledge-based society is the development of mobile multimedia communication systems and networks. Some general trends we observe today are : the increasing importance of multimedia services, the unprecedented growth of mobile telephony, the increasing importance of the Internet protocol as the integrating network technology, the importance of wireless access to the network, the increasing diversity of terminals. It is interesting to observe that the push towards wireless networks, the diversity in terminals and services, and the requirement for QoS and mobility, results in a situation where services should be matched to physical layer aspects (and of course with the networks and systems in between). The IAP/PAI consortium has bundled the expertise at the different levels required for the development of future mobile multimedia communication systems and networks. As a result, the project has been structured in a natural top-down approach, starting from the applications and ending with physical layer aspects. The interaction between these different fields of expertise will form a strong basis for the success of the project. The project is structured as follows :

WP1 : Applications

WP2 : Network Design

WP3 : Traffic and Performance Modelling

WP4 : Modulation, Channel Coding and Propagation

The major goals of the project can be summarized as follows :

  • Development of a software architecture for the use of dynamic metadata for the support of multimedia applications in a mobile environment.
  • The development of highly-scalable, object-based video coding schemes.
  • To develop new terminal concepts taking into account the format in which the data are transported between the multimedia source and a portable terminal.
  • To design and evaluate new protocols that allow seamless hand-offs and support end-to-end QoS for mobile terminals/services in homogeneous and heterogeneous network environments (including multicast support and the use of active networking).
  • To study generic queueing models which deal with connection and handover blocking probability in a wireless environment. To develop a generic stochastic model for the evaluation of macro- and micro-mobility solutions on the network layer.
  • To develop next generation QoS-enabled mobile ad hoc networks supporting heterogeneous and fast moving terminals based on active networking technology. To develop advanced routing algorithms and model contention resolution and reservation schemes.
  • To model web-type applications and to develop traffic models including characteristics related to mobility.
  • To study the performance of appropriate error detection and retransmission techniques (ARQ protocols) in a mobile and wireless environment (including TCP enhancements).
  • Design of receiver algorithms (synchronization, equalization, detection) for advanced modulation and transmission techniques.
  • The exploitation of multiple transmit and receive antennas and so-called smart antenna principles to enhance capacity and performance, and applying space-time coding to such multiple-input multiple-output systems.
  • The development of iterative (turbo) processing in multiuser detection, interference suppression, parameter estimation and error correction.
  • Design of advanced compact antennas and free space electromagnetic wave propagation models for high bandwidth short distance wireless communications.

Project partners

  • RUG, University of Ghent, INTEC (Co-ordinator)
  • RUG, University of Ghent, TELIN
  • RUG, University of Ghent, ELIS
  • UcL, University of Louvain-la-Neuve, Digicom
  • ULg, University of Liège, RUN
  • VUB, University of Brussel, IRIS
  • KUL, University of Leuven
  • ULB, University of Brussel
  • UIA, University of Antwerp


The project is supported by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme - Belgian State - Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs. Project reference: P5/11.


The project started on January 1st, 2002 for a duration of 5 years.


* Enhancement of TCP over wired/wireless networks with packet loss classifiers inferred by supervised learning
I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
Wireless Networks, vol. 16, nb. 2, Feb. 2010, pp. 273-290
(ISI IF 2008 = 1.194)
* Routing Based on Delivery Distributions in Predictable Disruption Tolerant Networks
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Ad Hoc Networks Journal, vol. 7, nb. 1, Jan. 2009, pp. 219-229
* Topologically-aware construction of unstructured overlays over ad hoc networks
S. Calomme
PhD thesis, University of Liège
Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, nr. 276, 2009, 192 pp.
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* Delivery Guarantees In Predictable Disruption Tolerant Networks
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Keywords : Delivery Guarantees, Disrutpion Tolerant Network, Mobility Prediction, Routing
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Proc. of IFIP Networking 2007, 14-18 May 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, I.F. Akyildiz et al. (ed.), Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet, LNCS, 4479, pp. 167-178, Springer-Verlag
* AP and MN-centric Mobility Prediction: A Comparative Study Based On Wireless Traces
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Keywords : AP-centric, Markov chain, MN-centric, mobility prediction
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Proc. of IFIP Networking 2007, 14-18 May 2007, Atlanta, GA, USA, I.F. Akyildiz et al. (ed.), Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet, LNCS, 4479, pp. 322-332, Springer-Verlag
* Machine-learnt versus analytical models of TCP throughput
I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
Keywords : machine learning, TCP, throughput models
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Computer Networks, vol. 51, nb. 10, Jul. 2007, pp. 2631-2644
(ISI IF 2007 = 0.829)
* Performing and Making Use of Mobility Prediction
J.-M. François
PhD thesis, University of Liège
Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, nr. 263, 2007, 154 pp.
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* Predictable Disruption Tolerant Networks and Delivery Guarantees
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Keywords : Predictable Disruption Tolerant Network
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Technical Report, published on arXiv (cs.NI/0612034 v1)
* Prédiction de mobilité par le mobile ou par le point d'accès: comparaison sur base de traces réelles
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Keywords : Mobile Networks, Mobility prediction, QoS
Mots-clés : Prédiction de mobilité, QoS, Réseaux mobiles
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Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP 2006), 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 2006, Tozeur, Tunisie
(Acceptance ratio = 28/75 = 37%)
* Transport Protocols for Next Generation Networks
Congduc Pham and G. Leduc
Annals of Telecommunications, nbs. 1-2, Jan-Feb 2006, pp. 2-4
Guest editors of this special issue
* Elaboration d'un protocole de contrôle de topologie pour les overlays bâtis sur des réseaux ad hoc
S. Calomme and G. Leduc
Mots-clés : ad hoc, contrôle de topologie, overlay
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Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP 2006), 30 Oct.-3 Nov. 2006, Tozeur, Tunisie
(Acceptance ratio = 28/75 = 37%)
* Multiple Description Coding versus Transport Layer FEC for Resilient Video Transmission
C. Soldani, F. Verdicchio, G. Leduc and A. Munteanu
Keywords : forward error correction, multicast, multiple description, video coding
Mots-clés : codage vidéo, correction d'erreur, descriptions multiples, multicast
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Proc. of ICDT'06, 29-30 Aug. 2006, Cap Estérel, France
One of the best paper awards: http://www.iaria.org/conferences/AwardsICDT06.html
* Neighbour-Based Overlay Topology Control in Ad Hoc Networks
S. Calomme and G. Leduc
ACM MobiHoc, 22-25 May 2006, Florence, Italy
* On the accuracy of analytical models of TCP throughput
I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
Proc. of IFIP International Networking Conference, 15-19 May 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, LNCS, 3976, pp. 488-500
(Acceptance ratio = 88/440 = 20%, Best Paper Award)
* The Critical Neighbourhood Range for Asymptotic Overlay Connectivity in Ad Hoc Networks
S. Calomme and G. Leduc
Keywords : ad hoc networks, connectivity, overlay, topology control
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Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, vol. 2, nb. 2, 2006, pp. 169-187
* A survey of optimal network congestion control for unicast and multicast transmission
N. Bonmariage and G. Leduc
Computer Networks, vol. 50, nb. 3, Feb. 2006, pp. 448-468
(ISI IF 2006 = 0.631)
* Interpreted Active Packets for Ephemeral State Processing Routers
S. Martin and G. Leduc
Keywords : active network, ephemeral state, network processor
Mots-clés : état éphémère, network processor, réseaux actifs
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Proc. of 7th IFIP International Working Conference on Active and Programmable Networks (IWAN), 21-23 Nov. 2005, Sophia Antipolis, France, D. Hutchison, S. Denazis, L. Lefevre, G.J. Minden (eds.), Active and Programmable Networks, LNCS, 4388, pp. 156-167, Springer
(Acceptance ratio for full papers = 13/72 = 18%, ISI IF 2005 LNCS = 0.402)
* Entropy-based knowledge spreading and application to mobility prediction
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Keywords : Entropy, Information Theory, Mobility Prediction, QoS
Mots-clés : Entropie, prédiction de mobilité, QoS, théorie de l'Information
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Proc. of ACM International conference on Emerging Network Experiments and Technologies (Co-Next), 24-27 Oct. 2005, Toulouse, France, pp. 10-20, ACM Press
(Acceptance ratio = 21/110 = 19%)
* The Critical Neighbourhood Range for Asymptotic Overlay Connectivity in Dense Ad Hoc Networks
S. Calomme and G. Leduc
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Proc. of Fourth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net), 21-24 Jun. 2005, Porquerolles, France, IFIP book series, 197/2006, pp. 179-188, Springer Boston
* An Active Platform as Middleware for Services and Communities Discovery
S. Martin and G. Leduc
Keywords : Active networks, Platform, Service discovery
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Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Active and Programmable Grids Architectures and Components (APGAC), 22-25 May 2005, Atlanta, USA, V. S. Sunderam, G. Dick van Albada, P. M. A. Sloot, et al. (eds.), Computational Science ICCS 2005, Part III, LNCS, 3516, pp. 237-245, Springer-Verlag
(ISI IF 2005 LNCS = 0.402)
* Improving TCP in wireless networks with an adaptive machine-learnt classifier of packet loss causes
I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
Keywords : Machine Learning, TCP, Wireless
Mots-clés : Apprentissage automatique, Réseaux sans fil, TCP
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Proc. of IFIP International Networking Conference, 2-6 May 2005, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, R. Boutaba, K. Almeroth, R. Puigjaner, S. Shen, J. Black (eds.), Networking 2005, LNCS, 3462, pp. 549-560, Springer-Verlag
(Acceptance ratio = 24%, ISI IF 2005 LNCS = 0.402)
* Mobility prediction's influence on QoS in wireless networks: a study on a call admission algorithm
J.-M. François and G. Leduc
Keywords : admission control, call blocking, mobility prediction
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Proc. of 3rd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad-hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 3-7 Apr. 2005, Trentino, Italy, Ravi R. Mazumdar, Ioannis Stavrakakis (eds.), pp. 238-247, IEEE press
(Acceptance ratio = 31 %)
* Techniques d'apprentissage dans le contrôle de congestion : Amélioration de TCP et conception de protocoles multipoints, dans les réseaux filaires et hybrides
I. El Khayat
PhD thesis, University of Liège
Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, nr. 257, 2005, 207 pp.
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* Enhancement of TCP over wired/wireless networks with packet loss classifiers inferred by supervised learning
I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
Keywords : loss cause classification, machine learning, TCP, wireless links
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Technical Report, March 2004
* A Machine Learning Approach to Improve Congestion Control over Wireless Computer Networks
P. Geurts, I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
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Proc. of The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2004), 1-4 Nov. 2004, Brighton, UK, R. Rastogi, K. Morik, M. Bramer et X. Wu (eds.), pp. 383-386, IEEE Press
* Performance Study of an Overlay Approach to Active Routing in Ad Hoc Networks
S. Calomme and G. Leduc
Keywords : active, ad hoc, overlay
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Proc. of The Third Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (Med-Hoc-Net 2004), 28-30 Jun. 2004, Bodrum, Turkey, I.F. Akyildiz, E. Cayirci, E. Ekici and G. Morabito (eds.), pp. 24-35
* TCP Vegas-like algorithm for layered multicast transmission
O. Ait-Hellal and G. Leduc
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Proc. of International Conference on Communications in Computing (CIC 2004), 21-24 Jun. 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 58-64, CSREA Press
* Learning movement patterns in mobile networks: a generic approach
J.-M. François, G. Leduc and S. Martin
Keywords : Hidden Markov Model, Mobility prediction
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Proc. of European Wireless 2004, 24-27 Feb. 2004, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 128-134
* A Dynamic Neighbourhood Discovery Protocol for Active Overlay Networks
S. Martin and G. Leduc
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Proc. of IWAN'2003, 10-12 Dec. 2003, Kyoto, Japan, N. Wakamiya, M. Solarski, J. Sterbenz (eds.), Active Networks, LNCS, 2982, pp. 151-162, Springer-Verlag
(Acceptance ratio = 24/73 = 33%, ISI IF 2002 LNCS = 0.515)
* Smoothing the TCP rate by learning the delay versus window size dependency
I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
Keywords : real-time streaming application, reinforcement learning, smoothing TCP rate, smoothness, TCP-Friendly
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Proc. of International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2003, 18-21 Nov. 2003, Napoli, Italy, G. Ventre, R. Canonico (eds.), Interactive Multimedia on Next Generation Networks, LNCS, 2899, pp. 78-90, Springer-Verlag
(ISI IF 2002 LNCS = 0.515)
* Evaluation d'une méthode de prédiction des déplacements de terminaux dans les réseaux mobiles
J.-M. François, G. Leduc and S. Martin
Keywords : Hidden Markov Model, Mobility prediction
Mots-clés : Modèle de Markov caché, Prédiction de mobilité
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Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des protocoles (CFIP'2003), 7-10 Oct. 2003, Paris, France, A. Cavalli, M. Riguidel, A. Serhrouchni (eds.), Ingénierie des protocoles - Réseaux mobiles et ad hoc, qualité de service, test et validation, ingénierie du trafic, pp. 189-202, Hermès Lavoisier
* RADAR: Ring-based Adaptative Discovery of Active neighbour Routers
S. Martin and G. Leduc
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Proc. of 4th International Working Conference on Active Networks (IWAN), 4-6 Dec. 2002, Zürich, Switzerland, J.Sterbenz, O.Takada, C.Tschudin, B.Plattner (eds.), Active Networks, LNCS, 2546, pp. 62-73, Springer Verlag
(Acceptance ratio = 20/53 = 38%, ISI IF 2002 LNCS = 0.515)
* Performance Evaluation of a Multicast Congestion Control Protocol
N. Bonmariage and I. El Khayat
Keywords : congestion control, layered multicast, performance
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Proc. of 9th IEEE Symposium on Communication and Vehicular Technology (SCVT) in the Benelux, 17 Oct. 2002, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 21-26, IEEE Press
* Adaptation dynamique des débits des couches pour la transmission vidéo multipoint
N. Bonmariage and G. Leduc
Keywords : congestion control, dynamic adaptation, fairness, layered video, multicast
Mots-clés : adaptation dynamique, contrôle de congestion, équité, multipoint, vidéo en couches
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Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP'2002), 27-30 Mai. 2002, Montréal, Canada, A. Obaid (ed.), Ingénierie des Protocoles - Réseaux mobiles et ad hoc, qualité de service, multimédia, ingénierie du trafic, pp. 19-34, Hermès Lavoisier, 2002
Student paper award

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