IWT project @ RUN
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TCP over ATM



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Objectives of the project

The project will study and evaluate the performance of TCP with five ATM Transfer Capabilities (UBR, VBR, ABR, ABT, GFR) that have been or are being defined by the standardization bodies to support elastic bursty traffic in broadband ATM networks.

The project will also study how differentiated services can be provided to TCP-based applications by ATM networks.

Several more detailed objectives are envisaged:

  • To study the mutual interactions between the mechanisms used by the various ATCs and the mechanisms used by TCP (e.g. congestion control) and the resulting possible impact on application throughput performance
  • To compare the performance of the main ATCs to support TCP traffic from a quantitative point of view with the same simulation tool and similar simulations scenarios
  • To supplement theoretical and simulation studies with experiments in a lab multimedia ATM testbed covering LAN, WAN and satellite networks by emulating large round-trip-times
  • To provide feedback on the obtained results to the standardization bodies (ATM Forum/ITU-T/IETF) and to the equipment manufacturers and PNOs

Project partners

  • Alcatel Bell, Antwerp
  • University of Liège (Research Unit in Networking - RUN)


The project is partially supported by the Flemish Institute for the promotion of Scientific and Technological Research in the Industry (IWT).


The project started on November 1st, 1997 for a duration of 2 years.

Role of RUN in the project

RUN studies:

  • the behaviour of TCP over ATM UBR and ATM VBR by simulations with the STCP simulator.
  • the behaviour of TCP over ATM ABR Explicit Rate and ATM GFR by experimentations in its testbed.
  • how ATM can provide Differentiated Services to applications using TCP, and how appropriate these solutions are.


* A scheduler for delay-based service differentiation among AF classes
M. Tufail, G. Jennes and G. Leduc
Keywords : adaptable scheduling, application level QoS, assured forwarding, delay-based DiffServ, differentiated services (DiffServ), relative quantification service
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Proc. of IFIP TC6 Fifth International Conference on Broadband Communications'99, Nov. 1999, Hong Kong, D. Tsang, P. Kühn (eds.), Broadband Communications - Convergence of Network Technologies, pp. 93-102, Kluwer Academic Press
* Attaining per flow QoS with Class-based Differentiated Services
M. Tufail, G. Jennes and G. Leduc
Keywords : adaptable scheduling, application level QoS, assured forwarding, delay based DiffServ, differentiated services (DiffServ)
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Proc. of SPIE'99 conference, Sep. 1999, Boston, Massachussetts, R. Onvural, S. Civanlar, J. Luciani (eds.), Internet II: Quality of Service and Future Directions, SPIE, 3842, pp. 101-112, International Society for Optical Engineering
* A RED discard strategy for ATM networks and its performance evaluation with TCP/IP Traffic
V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
Keywords : ATM, fairness, performance, RED, simulation, TCP/IP, UBR
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ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 29, nb. 3, July 1999, pp. 23-43
* Impact of cell discard strategies on TCP/IP in ATM UBR networks
V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
Keywords : ATM, fairness, performance, RED, simulation, TCP/IP, UBR
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Proc. of 6th Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks (IFIP ATM'98), Jul. 1998, Ilkley, UK

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