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Main objectives of the project
Objective of the project
To design and develop an information processing system to collect, store and exchange information in a medical environment.
Project partners
- UcL (Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve), co-ordinator
- FPMs (Faculté Polytechnique de Mons)
- FUNDP (Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur)
- ULg (Université de Liège)
This project is funded by the Walloon region under the framework of "Wallonie-Développement-Université".
The project started on October1st, 2000 for a duration of 3 years.
Role of RUN in the project
The Research Unit in Networking (RUN) of ULg is involved in research on mobile/wireless networking.
Project home page
For further information on the project, please refer to the general ARTHUR home page (in French).
Learning movement patterns in mobile networks: a generic approach
- J.-M. François, G. Leduc and S. Martin
- Keywords : Hidden Markov Model, Mobility prediction
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- Proc. of European Wireless 2004, 24-27 Feb. 2004, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 128-134
A Dynamic Neighbourhood Discovery Protocol for Active Overlay Networks
- S. Martin and G. Leduc
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- Proc. of IWAN'2003, 10-12 Dec. 2003, Kyoto, Japan, N. Wakamiya, M. Solarski, J. Sterbenz (eds.), Active Networks, LNCS, 2982, pp. 151-162, Springer-Verlag
- (Acceptance ratio = 24/73 = 33%, ISI IF 2002 LNCS = 0.515)
Module de garantie de transmission
- P. Reinbold, S. Martin, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
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- Chapitre 6 de "ARTHUR - Manuel d'informatisation des urgences hospitalières", Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2003, pp. 128-147
Evaluation d'une méthode de prédiction des déplacements de terminaux dans les réseaux mobiles
- J.-M. François, G. Leduc and S. Martin
- Keywords : Hidden Markov Model, Mobility prediction
Mots-clés : Modèle de Markov caché, Prédiction de mobilité
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- Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des protocoles (CFIP'2003), 7-10 Oct. 2003, Paris, France, A. Cavalli, M. Riguidel, A. Serhrouchni (eds.), Ingénierie des protocoles - Réseaux mobiles et ad hoc, qualité de service, test et validation, ingénierie du trafic, pp. 189-202, Hermès Lavoisier
RADAR: Ring-based Adaptative Discovery of Active neighbour Routers
- S. Martin and G. Leduc
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- Proc. of 4th International Working Conference on Active Networks (IWAN), 4-6 Dec. 2002, Zürich, Switzerland, J.Sterbenz, O.Takada, C.Tschudin, B.Plattner (eds.), Active Networks, LNCS, 2546, pp. 62-73, Springer Verlag
- (Acceptance ratio = 20/53 = 38%, ISI IF 2002 LNCS = 0.515)