Tobias Jung @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Tobias Jung RUN RUN

Name Tobias Jung
Former position at RUN Post-Doc
Current affiliation Eon, Düsseldorf, Germany
Current personal page
Biographical Notes
Tobias Jung joined RUN in December 2010 and left in August 2013.
Current diploma(s) : PhD in CS from Mainz University, Germany, 2007
Publications at RUN
* Outbound SPIT Filter with Optimal Performance Guarantees
T. Jung, S. Martin, M. Nassar, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
Read the abstract
Computer Networks, vol. 57, nb. 7, Feb. 2013, pp. 1630-1643
* Contextual Multi-armed Bandits for the Prevention of Spam in VoIP Networks
T. Jung, S. Martin, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
arXiv, nb. 1201.6181, 2012
* Contextual Multi-armed Bandits for Web Server Defense
T. Jung, S. Martin, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
Read the abstract
Proc. of the 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 10-15 Jun. 2012, Brisbane, Australia, Hussein, Abbas (eds.), pp. 1-8, IEEE
* SPRT for SPIT: Using the Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Spam in VoIP Prevention
T. Jung, S. Martin, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
Keywords : VoIP, spam, filtering, statistical, opti
Mots-clés : voix sur IP, filtre, statistiques, optim
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Lisez le résumé
Proc. of 6th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS), 4-8 Jun. 2012, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

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