Name |
Tobias Jung |
Former position at RUN |
Post-Doc |
Current affiliation |
Eon, Düsseldorf, Germany |
Current personal page | |
Biographical Notes |
Tobias Jung joined RUN in December 2010 and left in August 2013.
Current diploma(s) : PhD in CS from Mainz University, Germany, 2007
Publications at RUN
Outbound SPIT Filter with Optimal Performance Guarantees
- T. Jung, S. Martin, M. Nassar, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
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- Computer Networks, vol. 57, nb. 7, Feb. 2013, pp. 1630-1643
Contextual Multi-armed Bandits for the Prevention of Spam in VoIP Networks
- T. Jung, S. Martin, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
- arXiv, nb. 1201.6181, 2012
Contextual Multi-armed Bandits for Web Server Defense
- T. Jung, S. Martin, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
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- Proc. of the 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 10-15 Jun. 2012, Brisbane, Australia, Hussein, Abbas (eds.), pp. 1-8, IEEE
SPRT for SPIT: Using the Sequential Probability Ratio Test for Spam in VoIP Prevention
- T. Jung, S. Martin, D. Ernst and G. Leduc
- Keywords : VoIP, spam, filtering, statistical, opti
Mots-clés : voix sur IP, filtre, statistiques, optim
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- Proc. of 6th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS), 4-8 Jun. 2012, Luxembourg, Luxembourg