Name |
Pierre Henquet |
Former position at RUN |
Researcher |
Current affiliation |
Solvay |
Biographical Notes |
Pierre Henquet joined RUN in October 1985 and left in September 1990.
Current diploma(s) : Ir. 1985 ULg, Dr. 1991 ULg
Publications at RUN
Integration of Functional Requirements in the Design of Computer Communication Systems
- P. Henquet
PhD thesis, University of Liège Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, n° 133, 1993, 337 pp.
Access Rate Measurement in the BWN Environment
- A. Danthine, P. Henquet and B. Hauzeur
- Proc. of High Speed Local Area Networks II, 1990, Elsevier Science Publishers (North Holland, 1990), pp. 89-115