Olivier Bonaventure @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Olivier Bonaventure RUN RUN

Name Olivier Bonaventure
Former position at RUN Researcher
Current affiliation UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve)
Current personal page http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/people/OBO/
Biographical Notes
Olivier Bonaventure joined RUN in September 1992 and left in August 1997.
Current diploma(s) : Ir. 1992 ULg, Dr. 1999 ULg
Publications at RUN
* Revealing the evolution of a cloud provider through its network weather map
M. Piraux, L. Navarre, N. Rybowski, O. Bonaventure and B. Donnet
* TCPLS: modern transport services with TCP and TLS
F. Rochet, E. Assogba, M. Piraux, K. Edeline, B. Donnet and O. Bonaventure
Proc. of 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), 7-10 Dec. 2021, Munich, Germany, pp. 45-59
* Revealing Middlebox Interference with Tracebox
G. Detal, B. Hesmans, O. Bonaventure, Y. Vanaubel and B. Donnet
Keywords : Measurement, Middleboxes, Network Discovery, tracebox
Proc. of ACM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 23-25 Oct. 2013, Barcelona, Spain
* Module de garantie de transmission
P. Reinbold, S. Martin, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
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Chapitre 6 de "ARTHUR - Manuel d'informatisation des urgences hospitalières", Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2003, pp. 128-147
* A RED discard strategy for ATM networks and its performance evaluation with TCP/IP Traffic
V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
Keywords : ATM, fairness, performance, RED, simulation, TCP/IP, UBR
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ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 29, nb. 3, July 1999, pp. 23-43
* Model-Based Verification of a Security Protocol for the Conditional Access to Services
G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure, E. Koerner, L. Léonard and C. Pecheur
Keywords : Equicrypt, LOTOS, model checking, security protocols
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Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 14, nb. 2, March 1999, pp. 171-191
* Integration of ATM under TCP/IP to provide services with minimum guaranteed bandwidth
O. Bonaventure
PhD thesis, University of Liège
ULiège, 1999, 234 pp.
* Impact of cell discard strategies on TCP/IP in ATM UBR networks
V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
Keywords : ATM, fairness, performance, RED, simulation, TCP/IP, UBR
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Proc. of 6th Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks (IFIP ATM'98), Jul. 1998, Ilkley, UK
* A simulation study of TCP with the GFR service category
O. Bonaventure
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Proc. of Third International Workshop on Architecture and Protocols for High-Performance Networks, 15-20 Jun. 1997, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, A. Danthine, O. Spaniol, W. Effelsberg, D. Ferrari (eds.), High-Performance Networks for Multimedia Applications, pp. 19-53, Kluwer Academic Publishers
* A simulation study of TCP with the proposed GFR service category
O. Bonaventure
Keywords : Asynchronous Tranfer Mode (ATM), simulations, TCP Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR)
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Dagstuhl Seminar 9725 on High Performance Networks for Multimedia Applications, 15-20 Jun. 1997, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
* Is VBR a solution for an ATM LAN ?
O. Bonaventure, E. Klovning and A. Danthine
Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), measurements, TCP, Usage Parameter Control (UPC), Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffic contract
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Proc. of the Fifth IFIP Workshop on Protocols for High Speed Networks, 28-30 Oct. 1996, Sophia Antipolis, France, W. Dabbous, C. Diot (eds.), Protocols for High-Speed Networks V, IFIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 73, pp. 60-74, Chapman & Hall
* Behaviour of TCP in the European ATM Pilot
O. Bonaventure, E. Klovning and A. Danthine
Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), measurements, TCP, Usage Parameter Control (UPC)
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Computer Communications, vol. 19, nb. 3, Mar. 1996, pp. 264-275
* Is ATM a Continuity or a Discontinuity for the LAN Environment ?
A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
Keywords : ATM, legacy LANs, rate control
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Proc. of the Second International Workshop on High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications, 19-23 Jun. 1995, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, W. Effelsberg, O. Spaniol, A. Danthine, D. Ferrari (eds.), High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications, Kluwer Academic
* Towards an Integrated Solution for Multimedia Communications
L. Mathy, G. Leduc, A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
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Bulletin Scientifique de l'AIM, Mar. 1996
* Specification and verification of a TTP protocol for the conditional access to services
G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure, E. Koerner, L. Léonard, C. Pecheur and D. Zanetti
Keywords : formal verification, LOTOS, model-checking, security protocol
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Proc. of the 12th J. Cartier Workshop on Formal Methods and their Applications: Telecommunications, VLSI and Real-Time Computerized Control Systems, Oct. 1996, Montreal, Canada
* Behaviour of XTPX in the European ATM Pilot
E. Klovning and O. Bonaventure
Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode, measurements, policing, usage parameter control, XTP
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European Transactions on Telecommunications, special issue on ATM Field Trials and Experiments, vol. 7, nb. 5, Sep.-Oct. 1996, pp. 445-454
* TCP/IP and the European ATM Pilot
O. Bonaventure, A. Danthine, E. Klovning and O. Danthine
Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), measurements, TCP, Usage Parameter Control (UPC)
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Proc. of the 1995 International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP95), 7-10 Nov. 1995, Tokyo, Japan, M. Liu (ed.), pp. 270-277, IEEE Computer Society Press
* The ACCOPI Multimedia Transport Service over ATM
L. Mathy and O. Bonaventure
Keywords : ATM, multicast, transport service
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Proc. of the Second International COST237 Workshop, 20-22 Nov. 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark, D. Hutchison, H. Christiansen, G. Coulson, A. Danthine (eds.), Teleservices and Multimedia Communications, pp. 159-175, Springer
* Performance evaluation of the CSCW application JVTOS
E. Klovning and O. Bonaventure
Keywords : computer supported cooperative work, implementation, JVTOS, measurements
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Proc. of the Second International COST237 Workshop, 20-22 Nov. 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark, D. Hutchison, H. Christiansen, G. Coulson, A. Danthine (eds.), Teleservices and Multimedia Communications, pp. 78-97, Springer
* From Best Effort to Enhanced QoS
A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
Keywords : OSI95, QoS negociation, Quality of Service (QoS), transport service
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Proc. of the First International Workshop on Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks, 30 Aug.-3 Sep. 1993, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, O. Spaniol, A. Danthine, W. Effelsberg (eds.), Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks, pp. 179-201, Kluwer Academic Publishers
* The Qos Enhancements in OSI95
A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
Keywords : multimedia, new communication services, quality of service (QoS)
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In "The OSI95 Transport Service with Multimedia Support", Springer, 1994, pp. 125-150
* A Group Communication Framework
L. Mathy, G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure and A. Danthine
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Proc. of Broadband Islands '94: Connecting with the End-User, 7-9 Jun. 1994, Hamburg, Germany, W. Bauerfeld, O. Spaniol and F. Williams (eds.), pp. 167-178, Elsevier Science
* QoS Negotiation for Multicast Communications
L. Mathy and O. Bonaventure
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Proc. of the First International COST237 Workshop, Nov. 1994, Vienna, Austria, D. Hutchison, A. Danthine, H. Leopold, G. Coulson (eds.), Multimedia Transport and Teleservices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 882, pp. 199-218, Springer
* QoS Enhancements and the new transport services
A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure, Y. Baguette, G. Leduc and L. Léonard
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