Name |
Olivier Bonaventure |
Former position at RUN |
Researcher |
Current affiliation |
UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve) |
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Biographical Notes |
Olivier Bonaventure joined RUN in September 1992 and left in August 1997.
Current diploma(s) : Ir. 1992 ULg, Dr. 1999 ULg
Publications at RUN
Revealing the evolution of a cloud provider through its network weather map
- M. Piraux, L. Navarre, N. Rybowski, O. Bonaventure and B. Donnet
TCPLS: modern transport services with TCP and TLS
- F. Rochet, E. Assogba, M. Piraux, K. Edeline, B. Donnet and O. Bonaventure
- Proc. of 17th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), 7-10 Dec. 2021, Munich, Germany, pp. 45-59
Revealing Middlebox Interference with Tracebox
- G. Detal, B. Hesmans, O. Bonaventure, Y. Vanaubel and B. Donnet
- Keywords : Measurement, Middleboxes, Network Discovery, tracebox
- Proc. of ACM/USENIX Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 23-25 Oct. 2013, Barcelona, Spain
Module de garantie de transmission
- P. Reinbold, S. Martin, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
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- Chapitre 6 de "ARTHUR - Manuel d'informatisation des urgences hospitalières", Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2003, pp. 128-147
A RED discard strategy for ATM networks and its performance evaluation with TCP/IP Traffic
- V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
- Keywords : ATM, fairness, performance, RED, simulation, TCP/IP, UBR
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- ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, vol. 29, nb. 3, July 1999, pp. 23-43
Model-Based Verification of a Security Protocol for the Conditional Access to Services
- G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure, E. Koerner, L. Léonard and C. Pecheur
- Keywords : Equicrypt, LOTOS, model checking, security protocols
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- Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 14, nb. 2, March 1999, pp. 171-191
Integration of ATM under TCP/IP to provide services with minimum guaranteed bandwidth
- O. Bonaventure
PhD thesis, University of Liège ULiège, 1999, 234 pp.
Impact of cell discard strategies on TCP/IP in ATM UBR networks
- V. Rosolen, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
- Keywords : ATM, fairness, performance, RED, simulation, TCP/IP, UBR
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- Proc. of 6th Workshop on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of ATM Networks (IFIP ATM'98), Jul. 1998, Ilkley, UK
A simulation study of TCP with the GFR service category
- O. Bonaventure
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- Proc. of Third International Workshop on Architecture and Protocols for High-Performance Networks, 15-20 Jun. 1997, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, A. Danthine, O. Spaniol, W. Effelsberg, D. Ferrari (eds.), High-Performance Networks for Multimedia Applications, pp. 19-53, Kluwer Academic Publishers
A simulation study of TCP with the proposed GFR service category
- O. Bonaventure
- Keywords : Asynchronous Tranfer Mode (ATM), simulations, TCP Guaranteed Frame Rate (GFR)
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- Dagstuhl Seminar 9725 on High Performance Networks for Multimedia Applications, 15-20 Jun. 1997, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
Is VBR a solution for an ATM LAN ?
- O. Bonaventure, E. Klovning and A. Danthine
- Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), measurements, TCP, Usage Parameter Control (UPC), Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffic contract
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- Proc. of the Fifth IFIP Workshop on Protocols for High Speed Networks, 28-30 Oct. 1996, Sophia Antipolis, France, W. Dabbous, C. Diot (eds.), Protocols for High-Speed Networks V, IFIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 73, pp. 60-74, Chapman & Hall
Behaviour of TCP in the European ATM Pilot
- O. Bonaventure, E. Klovning and A. Danthine
- Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), measurements, TCP, Usage Parameter Control (UPC)
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- Computer Communications, vol. 19, nb. 3, Mar. 1996, pp. 264-275
Is ATM a Continuity or a Discontinuity for the LAN Environment ?
- A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
- Keywords : ATM, legacy LANs, rate control
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- Proc. of the Second International Workshop on High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications, 19-23 Jun. 1995, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, W. Effelsberg, O. Spaniol, A. Danthine, D. Ferrari (eds.), High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications, Kluwer Academic
Towards an Integrated Solution for Multimedia Communications
- L. Mathy, G. Leduc, A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
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- Bulletin Scientifique de l'AIM, Mar. 1996
Specification and verification of a TTP protocol for the conditional access to services
- G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure, E. Koerner, L. Léonard, C. Pecheur and D. Zanetti
- Keywords : formal verification, LOTOS, model-checking, security protocol
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- Proc. of the 12th J. Cartier Workshop on Formal Methods and their Applications: Telecommunications, VLSI and Real-Time Computerized Control Systems, Oct. 1996, Montreal, Canada
Behaviour of XTPX in the European ATM Pilot
- E. Klovning and O. Bonaventure
- Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode, measurements, policing, usage parameter control, XTP
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- European Transactions on Telecommunications, special issue on ATM Field Trials and Experiments, vol. 7, nb. 5, Sep.-Oct. 1996, pp. 445-454
TCP/IP and the European ATM Pilot
- O. Bonaventure, A. Danthine, E. Klovning and O. Danthine
- Keywords : Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), measurements, TCP, Usage Parameter Control (UPC)
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- Proc. of the 1995 International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP95), 7-10 Nov. 1995, Tokyo, Japan, M. Liu (ed.), pp. 270-277, IEEE Computer Society Press
The ACCOPI Multimedia Transport Service over ATM
- L. Mathy and O. Bonaventure
- Keywords : ATM, multicast, transport service
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- Proc. of the Second International COST237 Workshop, 20-22 Nov. 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark, D. Hutchison, H. Christiansen, G. Coulson, A. Danthine (eds.), Teleservices and Multimedia Communications, pp. 159-175, Springer
Performance evaluation of the CSCW application JVTOS
- E. Klovning and O. Bonaventure
- Keywords : computer supported cooperative work, implementation, JVTOS, measurements
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- Proc. of the Second International COST237 Workshop, 20-22 Nov. 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark, D. Hutchison, H. Christiansen, G. Coulson, A. Danthine (eds.), Teleservices and Multimedia Communications, pp. 78-97, Springer
From Best Effort to Enhanced QoS
- A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
- Keywords : OSI95, QoS negociation, Quality of Service (QoS), transport service
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- Proc. of the First International Workshop on Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks, 30 Aug.-3 Sep. 1993, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, O. Spaniol, A. Danthine, W. Effelsberg (eds.), Architecture and Protocols for High-Speed Networks, pp. 179-201, Kluwer Academic Publishers
The Qos Enhancements in OSI95
- A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure and G. Leduc
- Keywords : multimedia, new communication services, quality of service (QoS)
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- In "The OSI95 Transport Service with Multimedia Support", Springer, 1994, pp. 125-150
A Group Communication Framework
- L. Mathy, G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure and A. Danthine
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- Proc. of Broadband Islands '94: Connecting with the End-User, 7-9 Jun. 1994, Hamburg, Germany, W. Bauerfeld, O. Spaniol and F. Williams (eds.), pp. 167-178, Elsevier Science
QoS Negotiation for Multicast Communications
- L. Mathy and O. Bonaventure
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- Proc. of the First International COST237 Workshop, Nov. 1994, Vienna, Austria, D. Hutchison, A. Danthine, H. Leopold, G. Coulson (eds.), Multimedia Transport and Teleservices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 882, pp. 199-218, Springer
QoS Enhancements and the new transport services
- A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure, Y. Baguette, G. Leduc and L. Léonard
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