Laurent Mathy @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Laurent Mathy RUN RUN

Name Laurent Mathy
Former position at RUN Visiting
Biographical Notes
Laurent Mathy joined RUN in January 2007 and left in June 2007.
Current diploma(s) : Professor at Lancaster University, Visiting professor at RUN during this period
Publications at RUN
* uTNT: Unikernels for Efficient and Flexible Internet Probing
M. Letemple, G. Gain, S. Ben Mariem, L. Mathy and B. Donnet
* Want more unikernels? Inflate them!
G. Gain, C. Soldani, F. Huici and L. Mathy
Proc. of SoCC '22: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Cloud Computing, 7-11 Nov. 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, ACM (ed.), pp. 510-525
* Combined stateful classification and session splicing for high-speed NFV service chaining
T. Barbette, C. Soldani and L. Mathy
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, nb. 6, Aug. 2021, pp. 2560-2573
* Unikraft and The Coming of Age of Unikernels
H. Lefeuvre, G. Gain, D. Dinca, A. Jung, S. Künzer, V. Badoiu, R. Deaconescu, L. Mathy, C. Raiciu, P. Olivier and F. Huici
login; The Usenix Magazine, 2021
* Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way
S. Kuenzer, V-A. Bădoiu, H. Lefeuvre, S. Santhanam, A. Jung, G. Gain, C. Soldani, C. Lupu, C. Răducanu, C. Banu, L. Mathy, R. Deaconescu, C. Raicu and F. Huici
Proc. of EuroSys 2021, 26-28 Apr. 2021, Edinburgh, UK
* UNICORE: A toolkit to automatically build unikernels
G. Gain, C. Soldani and L. Mathy
Keywords : Operating Systems, Unikernels, Virtualization
Proc. of Grascomp Doctoral Day 2019 (GDD'19), 22-22 Nov. 2019, Namur, Belgium
* Fast Privacy-Preserving Network Function Outsourcing
HJ. Asghar, E. De Cristofaro, G. Jourjon, M. Kaafar, L. Mathy, L. Melis and W. Yu
Computer Networks, nb. 163, 2019
* Building a chain of high-speed VNFs in no time
T. Barbette, C. Soldani, R. Gaillard and L. Mathy
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on High Performance Switching and Routing, 17-20 Jun. 2018, Bucharest, Romania
* Constant IP Lookup with FIB Explosion
T. Wang, G. Xie, AX. Liu, Q. Fu, Y. Li, X. Li and L. Mathy
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 26, nb. 4, 2018, pp. 1821-1836
* A low-level dive into building a high-speed NFV dataplane for service chaining
T. Barbette, C. Soldani, R. Gaillard and L. Mathy
Proc. of Eurosys 2018, 23-26 Apr. 2018, Porto, Portugal
* Efficient Action Computation for Compositional SDN Policies
H. Pan, Z. Li, G. Xie, P. He, H. Guan and L. Mathy
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Dec. 2017
* FlowConvertor: Enabling portability of SDN Applications
H. Pan, G. Xie, Z. Li, P. He and L. Mathy
Proc. of IEEE INFOCOM 2017, 1-4 May 2017, Atlanta, GA, USA
* Action computation for compositional software-defined networking
H. Pan, G. Xie, P. He, Z. Li and L. Mathy
Proc. of IFIP Networking , 17-19 May 2016, Vienna, Austria
* SplitBox: Toward Efficient Private Network Function Virtualization
HJ. Asghar, L. Melis, C. Soldani, E. De Cristofaro, MA. Kaafar and L. Mathy
Proc. of ACM HotMiddlebox 2016, 26 Aug. 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil
* Fast Userspace Packet Processing
T. Barbette, C. Soldani and L. Mathy
Keywords : Click modular router, fast packet I/O, high speed networking, Intel DPDK, multi-queue, netmap, network processing, NUMA, performance, routers, userspace I/O
Lisez le rsum
Proc. of ANCS 2015, 7-8 May 2015, Oakland, CA, ACM/IEEE (ed.), pp. 5-16
* Meta-algorithms for Software-Based Packet Classification
P. He, G. Xie and L. Mathy
Proc. of ICNP, 21-24 Oct. 2014, North Carolina, USA
* Guarantee IP lookup performance with FIB explosion
T. Yang, G. Xie, YB. Li, Q. Fu, AX. Liu and L. Mathy
Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM, 17-22 Aug. 2014, Chicago, USA
* A Hybrid Hardware Architecture for High-speed IP Lookups and Fast Route Updates
L. Luo, G. Xie, Y. Xie, L. Mathy and K. Salamatian
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 22, nb. 3, 2014, pp. 957-969
* FlowOS: a Flow-Based Platform for Middleboxes
A. Abdul, M. Bezahaf and L. Mathy
Proc. of Proc. of ACM HotMiddlebox workshop, 9 Dec. 2013, Santa Barbara, USA
* FlowOS: A Programmable Platform for Commodity Hardware Middleboxes
A. Abdul, M. Bezahaf and L. Mathy
Proc. of 8th International Conference on Future Internet Technologies (CFI), 5-7 Jun. 2013, Beijing, China
* Toward predictable performance in decision tree based packet classification algorithms
H. Peng, G. Hongtao, L. Mathy, K. Salamatian and G. Xie
Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Local & Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), 10-12 Apr. 2013, Brussels, Belgium
* Sacalable High-Performance Parallel Design for Network Intrusion Detection Systems on Many-Core Processors
H. Jiang, G. Xie, K. Salamatian and L. Mathy
Proc. of Ninth ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 21-22 Oct. 2013, San Jose, USA
* A Trie Merging Approach with Incremental Updates for Virtual Routers
L. Luo, G. Xie, K. Salamatian, S. Uhlig, L. Mathy and Y. Xie
Proc. of IEEE Infocom, 14-19 Apr. 2013, Turin, Italy
* FlowOS: a pure flow-based vision of network traffic
A. Abdul, M. Bezahaf and L. Mathy
Proc. of ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS), 2012
* Towards TCAM-based Scalable Virtual Routers
L. Luo, G. Xie, S. Uhlig, L. Mathy, K. Salamatian and Y. Xie
Keywords : FIB completion, FIB splitting, TCAM, Virtual routers
Proc. of ACM CoNext 2012, 10-13 Dec. 2012, Nice, France, ACM
* A Hybrid IP Lookup Architecture with Fast Updates
L. Luo, G. Xie, Y. Xie, L. Mathy and K. Salamatian
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Proc. of IEEE Infocom 2012, 25-30 Mar. 2012, Orlando, USA, pp. 2435-2443, IEEE
* Editorial for Computer Networks special issue on “Measurement-based optimization of P2P networking and applications”
X. Fu, Y. Chen, G. Leduc and L. Mathy
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Computer Networks, vol. 56, nb. 3, Feb. 2012, pp. 1077-1079
* Towards a Two-Tier Internet coordinate system to mitigate the impact of Triangle Inequality Violations
M. Kaafar, B. Gueye, F. Cantin, G. Leduc and L. Mathy
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Proc. of IFIP Networking 2008, 6-8 May 2008, Singapore, LNCS, 4982, pp. 397-408, Springer
(Acceptance ratio = 82/250 = 33%)
* Explication et réduction de l'impact des violations d'inégalités triangulaires dans Vivaldi
F. Cantin, B. Gueye, M. Kaafar, G. Leduc and L. Mathy
Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l’Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), 25-28 mar. 2008, Les Arcs, France, A. Duda et R. Groz (ed.), p. 12
(Acceptance ratio = 28/51 = 55%)
* Towards an Integrated Solution for Multimedia Communications
L. Mathy, G. Leduc, A. Danthine and O. Bonaventure
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Bulletin Scientifique de l'AIM, Mar. 1996
* The ACCOPI Multimedia Transport Service over ATM
L. Mathy and O. Bonaventure
Keywords : ATM, multicast, transport service
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Proc. of the Second International COST237 Workshop, 20-22 Nov. 1995, Copenhagen, Denmark, D. Hutchison, H. Christiansen, G. Coulson, A. Danthine (eds.), Teleservices and Multimedia Communications, pp. 159-175, Springer
* A Group Communication Framework
L. Mathy, G. Leduc, O. Bonaventure and A. Danthine
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Proc. of Broadband Islands '94: Connecting with the End-User, 7-9 Jun. 1994, Hamburg, Germany, W. Bauerfeld, O. Spaniol and F. Williams (eds.), pp. 167-178, Elsevier Science
* QoS Negotiation for Multicast Communications
L. Mathy and O. Bonaventure
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Proc. of the First International COST237 Workshop, Nov. 1994, Vienna, Austria, D. Hutchison, A. Danthine, H. Leopold, G. Coulson (eds.), Multimedia Transport and Teleservices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 882, pp. 199-218, Springer

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