Name |
Ibtissam El Khayat |
Former position at RUN |
Researcher |
Current affiliation |
Ericsson Research Aachen |
E-mail |
Biographical Notes |
Ibtissam El Khayat joined RUN in December 1999 and left in September 2005.
Current diploma(s) : PhD in Computer science, 2005, ULg; Master in computer science, 2000, ULg
Publications at RUN
Enhancement of TCP over wired/wireless networks with packet loss classifiers inferred by supervised learning
- I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
- Wireless Networks, vol. 16, nb. 2, Feb. 2010, pp. 273-290
- (ISI IF 2008 = 1.194)
Machine-learnt versus analytical models of TCP throughput
- I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
- Keywords : machine learning, TCP, throughput models
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- Computer Networks, vol. 51, nb. 10, Jul. 2007, pp. 2631-2644
- (ISI IF 2007 = 0.829)
On the accuracy of analytical models of TCP throughput
- I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
- Proc. of IFIP International Networking Conference, 15-19 May 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, LNCS, 3976, pp. 488-500
- (Acceptance ratio = 88/440 = 20%, Best Paper Award)
Improving TCP in wireless networks with an adaptive machine-learnt classifier of packet loss causes
- I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
- Keywords : Machine Learning, TCP, Wireless
Mots-clés : Apprentissage automatique, Réseaux sans fil, TCP
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- Proc. of IFIP International Networking Conference, 2-6 May 2005, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, R. Boutaba, K. Almeroth, R. Puigjaner, S. Shen, J. Black (eds.), Networking 2005, LNCS, 3462, pp. 549-560, Springer-Verlag
- (Acceptance ratio = 24%, ISI IF 2005 LNCS = 0.402)
Techniques d'apprentissage dans le contrôle de congestion : Amélioration de TCP et conception de protocoles multipoints, dans les réseaux filaires et hybrides
- I. El Khayat
PhD thesis, University of Liège Collection des Publications de la Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de l'Université de Liège, nr. 257, 2005, 207 pp.
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Enhancement of TCP over wired/wireless networks with packet loss
classifiers inferred by supervised learning
- I. El Khayat, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
- Keywords : loss cause classification, machine learning, TCP, wireless links
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- Technical Report, March 2004
A Machine Learning Approach to Improve Congestion Control over Wireless Computer Networks
- P. Geurts, I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
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- Proc. of The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2004), 1-4 Nov. 2004, Brighton, UK, R. Rastogi, K. Morik, M. Bramer et X. Wu (eds.), pp. 383-386, IEEE Press
Smoothing the TCP rate by learning the delay versus window size dependency
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
- Keywords : real-time streaming application, reinforcement learning, smoothing TCP rate, smoothness, TCP-Friendly
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- Proc. of International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems, MIPS 2003, 18-21 Nov. 2003, Napoli, Italy, G. Ventre, R. Canonico (eds.), Interactive Multimedia on Next Generation Networks, LNCS, 2899, pp. 78-90, Springer-Verlag
- (ISI IF 2002 LNCS = 0.515)
Performance Evaluation of a Multicast Congestion Control Protocol
- N. Bonmariage and I. El Khayat
- Keywords : congestion control, layered multicast, performance
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- Proc. of 9th IEEE Symposium on Communication and Vehicular Technology (SCVT) in the Benelux, 17 Oct. 2002, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, pp. 21-26, IEEE Press
A stable and flexible TCP-friendly congestion control protocol for layered multicast transmission
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
- Keywords : Layered Multicast, Congestion Control, TCP-Friendly
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- Proc. of 8th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (IDMS'2001), 4-7 Sep. 2001, Lancaster, UK, D. Shepherd, J. Finney, L. Mathy, N. Race (eds.), Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems, LNCS, 2158, pp. 154-167, Springer
- (ISI IF 2001 LNCS = 0.415)
Congestion Control for Layered Multicast Transmission
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
- Keywords : Congestion Control, Fairness, TCP-Friendly, Layered Multicast
Mots-clés : Contrôle de congestion, Multipoint, TCP-Friendly, Vidéo en couches
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- Networking and Information Systems Journal, vol. 3, nbs. 3-4, 2000, pp. 559-573
Contrôle de congestion pour la transmission multipoint en couches
- I. El Khayat and G. Leduc
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- Actes de Journées Doctorales Informatiques et Réseaux (JDIR'2000), 6-8 Nov. 2000, Paris, France