François Cantin @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
François Cantin RUN RUN

Name François Cantin
Former position at RUN PhD
Current affiliation ING, Bruxelles
Biographical Notes
François Cantin joined RUN in October 2006 and left in May 2012.
Current diploma(s) : 4-year degree in CS (ULiège, 2005); Master (DEA IU) in CS (ULiège, 2007); PhD in Computer Science (ULiège, 2012)
Publications at RUN
* Improving Overlay Routing scalability using an Internet Coordinate System
F. Cantin
PhD thesis, University of Liège
ULiège, 2012, 184 pp.
* Finding Routing Shortcuts using an Internet Coordinate System
F. Cantin and G. Leduc
Keywords : Internet coordinate system, Networking, Overlay routing, Routing shortcuts, Vivaldi
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Proc. of Fifth International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSoS), 23-24 Feb. 2011, Karlsruhe, Germany, LNCS, Springer
* Transformation non linéaire des distances : une solution au problème des violations d'inégalités triangulaires dans les systèmes de coordonnées ?
F. Cantin, G. Leduc and B. Gueye
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Actes de CFIP 2009, 12-15 Oct. 2009, Strasbourg, France
* Detecting Triangle Inequality Violations in Internet Coordinate Systems by Supervised Learning - Work in Progress
Y. Liao, M. Kaafar, B. Gueye, F. Cantin, P. Geurts and G. Leduc
Proc. of Networking 2009, 12-14 May 2009, Aachen, Germany, L. Fratta, H. Schulzrinne, Y. Takahashi, O. Spaniol (eds.), LNCS, 5550, pp. 352-363, Springer
* Detecting Triangle Inequality Violations for Internet Coordinate Systems
M. Kaafar, F. Cantin, B. Gueye and G. Leduc
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Proc. of Future Networks 2009 workshop, 18 Jun. 2009, Dresden, Germany
* Overlay Routing using Coordinate Systems
F. Cantin, B. Gueye, M. Kaafar and G. Leduc
Proc. of ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, 9 Dec. 2008, Madrid, Spain
* A Self-Organized clustering scheme for overlay networks
F. Cantin, B. Gueye, M. Kaafar and G. Leduc
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Proc. of International Workshop on Self-Organized Systems (IWSOS), 10-12 Dec. 2008, Vienna, Austria, K. Hummel, J. Sterbenz (eds.), Self-Organizing Systems, LNCS, 5343, pp. 59-70, Springer
* Towards a Two-Tier Internet coordinate system to mitigate the impact of Triangle Inequality Violations
M. Kaafar, B. Gueye, F. Cantin, G. Leduc and L. Mathy
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Proc. of IFIP Networking 2008, 6-8 May 2008, Singapore, LNCS, 4982, pp. 397-408, Springer
(Acceptance ratio = 82/250 = 33%)
* Explication et réduction de l'impact des violations d'inégalités triangulaires dans Vivaldi
F. Cantin, B. Gueye, M. Kaafar, G. Leduc and L. Mathy
Actes de Colloque Francophone sur l’Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP), 25-28 mar. 2008, Les Arcs, France, A. Duda et R. Groz (ed.), p. 12
(Acceptance ratio = 28/51 = 55%)

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