Name |
Eric Vyncke |
Former position at RUN |
Researcher |
Current affiliation |
CISCO Systems |
Biographical Notes |
Eric Vyncke joined RUN in September 1983, left in August 1985 and is an invited associate consultant.
Publications at RUN
Using eBPF to inject IPv6 Extension Headers
- J. Iurman, E. Vyncke and B. Donnet
Measuring IPv6 extension headers survivability with James
- R. Léas, J. Iurman, E. Vyncke and B. Donnet
A Realistic Simulation of a Wideband Backbone Network
- E. Vyncke and A. Danthine
- Proc. of Eigth International Conference on Computer Communication (ICCC), 15-19 Sep. 1986, Munich, Germany, Paul J. Kühn (ed.), New Communication Services: A Challenge to Computer Technology, pp. 176-181, Elsevier, 1986
Broad Site Local Wideband Network
- A. Danthine and E. Vyncke
- Proc. of ESPRIT 84: Status Report of Ongoing Work, 1985, pp. 337-353