Eric Vyncke @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Eric Vyncke RUN RUN

Name Eric Vyncke
Former position at RUN Researcher
Current affiliation CISCO Systems
Biographical Notes
Eric Vyncke joined RUN in September 1983, left in August 1985 and is an invited associate consultant.
Publications at RUN
* Using eBPF to inject IPv6 Extension Headers
J. Iurman, E. Vyncke and B. Donnet
* Measuring IPv6 extension headers survivability with James
R. Léas, J. Iurman, E. Vyncke and B. Donnet
* A Realistic Simulation of a Wideband Backbone Network
E. Vyncke and A. Danthine
Proc. of Eigth International Conference on Computer Communication (ICCC), 15-19 Sep. 1986, Munich, Germany, Paul J. Kühn (ed.), New Communication Services: A Challenge to Computer Technology, pp. 176-181, Elsevier, 1986
* Broad Site Local Wideband Network
A. Danthine and E. Vyncke
Proc. of ESPRIT 84: Status Report of Ongoing Work, 1985, pp. 337-353

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