Emeline Marechal @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Emeline Marechal RUN RUN

Name Emeline Marechal
Former position at RUN Teaching Assistant
Biographical Notes
Emeline Marechal joined RUN in September 2019 and left in April 2024.
Current diploma(s) : MSc in Computer Science and Engineering, 2019, University of Liège
Publications at RUN
* A first-look at segment routing deployment in a large european ISP
E. Marechal, Y. Shao, M. Bruyère and B. Donnet
* ISP Probing Reduction with Anaximander
E. Marechal, P. Mérindol and B. Donnet
Proc. of Passive and Active Measurement (PAM) Conference, 28-30 Mar. 2022
* Targeted Attack through Network Fingerprinting
E. Marechal and B. Donnet
Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility, vol. 10, nb. 2, 2021, pp. 347-376
* Network Fingerprinting: Routers under Attack
E. Marechal and B. Donnet
Proc. of IEEE International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity (WTMC), 7 Sep. 2020, Genova, Italy

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