Cyril Soldani @ RUN
ULg Research Unit in Networking RUN
Cyril Soldani RUN RUN

Name Cyril Soldani
Former position at RUN Researcher
Biographical Notes
Cyril Soldani joined RUN in September 2004 and left in December 2021.
Current diploma(s) : Engineer in Computer Science (5 years), 2004, ULiège
Publications at RUN
* Want more unikernels? Inflate them!
G. Gain, C. Soldani, F. Huici and L. Mathy
Proc. of SoCC '22: Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Cloud Computing, 7-11 Nov. 2022, San Francisco, CA, USA, ACM (ed.), pp. 510-525
* Combined stateful classification and session splicing for high-speed NFV service chaining
T. Barbette, C. Soldani and L. Mathy
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 29, nb. 6, Aug. 2021, pp. 2560-2573
* Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way
S. Kuenzer, V-A. Bădoiu, H. Lefeuvre, S. Santhanam, A. Jung, G. Gain, C. Soldani, C. Lupu, C. Răducanu, C. Banu, L. Mathy, R. Deaconescu, C. Raicu and F. Huici
Proc. of EuroSys 2021, 26-28 Apr. 2021, Edinburgh, UK
* UNICORE: A toolkit to automatically build unikernels
G. Gain, C. Soldani and L. Mathy
Keywords : Operating Systems, Unikernels, Virtualization
Proc. of Grascomp Doctoral Day 2019 (GDD'19), 22-22 Nov. 2019, Namur, Belgium
* mmb: Flexible High-Speed Userspace Middleboxes
K. Edeline, J. Iurman, C. Soldani and B. Donnet
Keywords : middlebox, mmb, performance
Proc. of Applied Networking Research Workshop, 22-22 Jul. 2019, Montreal, Canada, pp. 62-68
* Building a chain of high-speed VNFs in no time
T. Barbette, C. Soldani, R. Gaillard and L. Mathy
Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. on High Performance Switching and Routing, 17-20 Jun. 2018, Bucharest, Romania
* A low-level dive into building a high-speed NFV dataplane for service chaining
T. Barbette, C. Soldani, R. Gaillard and L. Mathy
Proc. of Eurosys 2018, 23-26 Apr. 2018, Porto, Portugal
* SplitBox: Toward Efficient Private Network Function Virtualization
HJ. Asghar, L. Melis, C. Soldani, E. De Cristofaro, MA. Kaafar and L. Mathy
Proc. of ACM HotMiddlebox 2016, 26 Aug. 2016, Florianopolis, Brazil
* Fast Userspace Packet Processing
T. Barbette, C. Soldani and L. Mathy
Keywords : Click modular router, fast packet I/O, high speed networking, Intel DPDK, multi-queue, netmap, network processing, NUMA, performance, routers, userspace I/O
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Proc. of ANCS 2015, 7-8 May 2015, Oakland, CA, ACM/IEEE (ed.), pp. 5-16
* Optimisation des débits des couches d'une transmission vidéo multipoint avec une meilleure prise en compte du surcoût d'encodage
C. Soldani and G. Leduc
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Actes de CFIP 2009, 12-15 Oct. 2009, Strasbourg, France
* Multiple Description Coding versus Transport Layer FEC for Resilient Video Transmission
C. Soldani, F. Verdicchio, G. Leduc and A. Munteanu
Keywords : forward error correction, multicast, multiple description, video coding
Mots-clés : codage vidéo, correction d'erreur, descriptions multiples, multicast
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Proc. of ICDT'06, 29-30 Aug. 2006, Cap Estérel, France
One of the best paper awards:

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